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A Service In Thanksgiving For The Life Of Erskine Lott Bedford  Printer Friendly
September 10, 1933 - December 6, 1998

Opening Sentences The Book of Common Prayer
Hymn 671 - Amazing Grace

First Reading - Ecclesiastes 3:1 - 11

Julia Ross and the Willisville
& St. Louis Village Singers - Swing Low, Sweet Chariot

Second Reading - Romans 8:14-19, 35-35, 37-39

Hymn 405 - All Things Bright and Beautiful

Third Reading - John 14:1-16

Victor duPont
Gail Wofford - A Rum One To Follow, A Bad One To Beat
Shelby Bonnie

The Apostles' Creed
Prayers and Commendation

Hymn 563 - Go Forward Christian Soldiers

The committal will follow at the Old Welbourne Cemetery.
The Committal
The Lord's Prayer, The Prayers and Commendation

"Gone Away"

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